Dying industries, I hope

I sincerely hope that the various pieces of copyright legislation under development across the world are simply the death throes of dying industries. I don’t want to be part of the world they are attempting to bring about (Cory Doctorow in the Grauniad). Rule...
A one-way bet

A one-way bet

Fascinating chart of the US financial sector profits vs non-financial. What a minimal blip that was…

Economist calls for shorter copyright terms

Protecting creativity: Copyright and wrong. Good to see that the organ of the free market is recognising the chilling effects of automatic, high-punishment copyright terms. Can’t see anyone changing this, given the absurdly high profile of the creative...

Entrepreneurs aren’t risk takers

While the article can feel a little gushing, on reflection, I think there is some truth in this:While others think entrepreneurs are taking risks, entrepreneurs don’t see it that way because they have thought things through extremely well. They also believe in their...

Making decisions and meetings work

Lots of good stuff in this McK Quarterly interview with Daniel Kahneman and Gary Klein and interviews on strategic decision making.The premortem: we’re in the future looking back, why did this project fail so badly?Avoid correlation errors: get people to vote on...