New Google documents missing

  Sometimes I find that newly created Google documents do not show up in the home page. Google Docs Documents Go Missing For Some has the fix. Put a * in the search box and there they are.

A white Google bar

I find the new black Google bar pretty intrusive, so was pleased to find a Greasemonkey script to change it to white (as it is by default in Gmail and the like). Much better. How to Hide the Black Google Bar or Change it Back to White.

Enable OSX NTFS read/write support

10.6: Enable native NTFS read/write support – Mac OS X Hints. Very useful for those of us with Bootcamp running so the one machine is a Mac and a PC all in one. Slightly spooky, but it works very well. The hint  works straight out of the box: it is much more...

Kindle hacking

Font & ScreenSaver hacks for Kindles has some very easy to follow hacks to allow you to put your own pictures onto your Kindle as screensavers (the screen that goes on when you toggle the power button) and change the fonts for reading. In other news, this means...

Picasa sync duplication issues

Picasa: Sync to web – sometimes creates duplicate folders. A good summary of why Picasa sometimes duplicates folders in the web albums environment. My plan is to import items into Picasa, edit, name, caption, etc and then click the sync to web button. This...

Change default homescreen on SGS2

The HTC Desire had a home screen model based around a central one with the other screens to the left and to the right. Samsung decided to copy the Apple style start on the left and scroll right through screens. I prefer the former model, and there’s a relatively...